New fire truck takes an official bath


Hook and Ladder Company Two officially celebrated its new fire truck on June 14 with a wet down ceremony at the firehouse on Grand Avenue and Rose Boulevard.

The ceremony, which was attended by dozens of Baldwin Fire Department members and firefighters from across New York and New Jersey, saw the company’s new rig get sprayed down during the festive celebration.

Msgr. Steven Camp of St. Christopher’s Church, who serves as the BFD’s chaplain, blessed the truck during the ceremony.

The2015 Seagrave Tower Ladder came to Baldwin on Feb. 8 after years of research and planning by department heads. The truck was purchased from Clintonville, Wisconsin, which is the home of the FWD Seagrave Company that manufactured the new truck.

The truck is Hook and Ladder Company Two’s fourth truck since it was established in 1951.