Rich school, poor school

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No doubt, Vietnam is a poor nation. It must, however, provide a decent education. Its teaching methodology can’t be better than ours, though, because the U.S. has a large number of students at the top of the charts. Thus, we can assume that Vietnam grants more equal access to learning resources.

America needn’t dismantle its educational system, as many on the right suggest. But we must figure out how to grant equal access to quality education for all. Then, and only then, our nation will fulfill its true potential. Then, and only then, we will secure our place as a global leader for centuries to come.

Ensuring that all students can benefit from our great schools and teachers is as challenging as trying to create a health care system that covers everyone. It requires political will. Sadly, that is precisely what we lack. We divide ourselves along artificial color lines –– red state, blue state. Meanwhile, the poor suffer terribly.

I love Pope Francis. He is a pontiff of the people. “God will judge us upon how we have treated the most needy,” he recently declared in a tweet.

In that regard, we, as a nation, get an F.

Scott Brinton is senior editor of the Bellmore and Merrick Heralds and an adjunct professor at the Hofstra University Graduate Journalism Program. Comments? or (516) 569-4000 ext. 203. Brinton’s profile and posts can be found at

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