BOE Candidates answers H-W’s Central Council questions

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Three years ago Cheryl and I ran on a platform to stop the insanity of spending and declining performance that had been going on in the district for years, and bring new levels of transparency and communication to the community. Since being elected we have done exactly what we set out to do. We have eliminated a multitude of administrative positions, hired new administrators at lower salaries and with less benefits than their predecessors (reduced our administrative spending by over $1 million) and will be eliminating an assistant superintendent position after this year as a result of a retirement.

We have put a new focus on improving the programs and performance of our district and as parents of children attending our schools we are well aware of what is and isn’t happening in our buildings. We have already seen a marked improvement in ELA performance and have a renewed focus on math in the district. We have maintained some of the district gems like Discovery, Science Research, and adult education, and next year we will be further improving the high school with the introduction of the AP Capstone Program.

We revamped the district’s website, put all of the district’s agendas, meetings, and minutes on line for access by anyone who is interested in them, and changed the format of our work meetings to foster audience participation during, not just after, the meetings. We have increased communication through Facebook, the use of text messaging, and by simply being available personally.

I attend a variety of district functions, performances, sporting events, and activities in order to not only support our students, but be accessible to our parents, teachers and community. It is important for them to know that we truly care about what is going on in our schools and community.

I continue to be a strong advocate for the students and taxpayers of our community and have, and hope to continue to, meet with all of our local legislators on behalf of the community to get all of the support and relief we can from our state legislators.
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