LWA Antics

Lift your spirits by being thankful


Recently, all anyone has been talking about is the notorious terrorist organization known as the Islamic State. Each day, we live in fear that this group will threaten the world with another attack. Each day, we hope that they will not strike against us. Of course, it is important that we keep updated on what is happening with these threats and attacks; however, I believe that as Thanksgiving approaches, it is our duty to step away from the negativity and hardship facing our world and to reflect on the aspects of our lives for which we can be thankful.
Every year, at my family’s Thanksgiving dinner, we go around the table to share what we are thankful for. I usually say the typical remarks such as, “I’m thankful for my health, house and family.” This Thanksgiving, I have decided to give a bit more thought about what I am going to say.
For now, I am thinking about the gift of opportunity which I have been given. This past October, I started volunteering at an animal clinic. Since I want to pursue a career as a veterinarian, I am grateful for this experience. Every time I volunteer there, I learn something new. Whether I give a cat a bath after surgery or answer calls at the front desk, I gain knowledge. I have been there only a month, and each visit offers me so many new experiences. The other day, I did something I never expected to do until I actually went to veterinary school. I had the chance to insert an IV into a kitten. Hands-on experiences like this one is helping me take steps to become what I dream of in the future. For this, I am thankful.
When the world is facing so much adversity, it is easy to get bogged down in negativity. In times of hardship, it is important to remember how lucky we are in other aspects of our lives. This Thanksgiving, I challenge you all to think about what there is to appreciate in your lives. Looking for something positive for which you can be thankful could distract you, if only in a small way, from your troubles and from all of the talk about the gloomy state our world is in; it will lift your spirits on this wonderful holiday.