Valley Stream: Let’s be business-friendly

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Restrictions will also be eased to allow homeowners on smaller, nonconforming properties to build extensions without having to go to the BZA for approval.

Grasso, who worked closely with the zoning code revision team, said the current code is antiquated and reflects the needs of a different era. “They were from a time when these were very much bedroom communities,” he said. “We had to start taking a real hard look at the village code.”

Debbi Gyulay, president of the Chamber of Commerce, said she welcomes any changes to the code that will make it easier for new businesses to come to town. “I think it is necessary to develop a climate that encourages new businesses to feel welcome, and the process needs to be made more efficient,” she said. “I applaud the mayor and trustees for taking positive steps to help the business community.”

Have your voice heard

The village Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on the proposed zoning code revisions.
When: Monday, Jan. 14, 7:30 p.m.
Where: Village Hall courtroom, 123 S. Central Ave.

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