Hewlett's 'Kosher Guru' honored by Israeli Knesset for advocacy


Hewlett resident Gabriel Boxer — known as the “Kosher Guru” on social media — has also made a name for himself as a major advocate for Israel since the Oct. 7, 2023, attacks by Hamas.

Boxer, 44, was honored at a Jan. 7 Voices of Iron Ceremony at the Knesset — Israel’s parliament — for his acts of chesed, the Hebrew word for kindness, during the Swords of Iron War, the Jewish state’s moniker for the war against Hamas.

“The Voices of Iron honored online advocacy warriors who are influencers and people who speak up for Israel and the Jewish nation,” Boxer said. “It’s people who have given of themselves days and night defending Israel and Jewish people since Oct. 7.”

Boxer was one of 50 honorees from around the world, and was the only resident from Nassau County recognized.

“Gabe Boxer has distinguished himself as an outstanding community leader in Nassau County and an effective spokesman for rallying people behind the State of Israel, especially after Oct. 7,” Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman said in a text message. “I am happy that he is receiving recognition for all of his good work.”

Boxer has been involved in various nonprofit organizations in the Five Towns and active on social media, mainly Instagram, where he shares his content related to kosher events, food, programs, restaurants and travel.

He became more involved as an advocate for Jewish people and Israel due to the rise in antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment following the Oct. 7 attacks.

“It is doing what’s right and not falling into the lies of propaganda being put out there, and sharing the truth,” Boxer said.

He was in Israel with his family and experienced the Oct. 7 attacks firsthand, spending the day hiding in a bomb shelter and worrying about what would happen next.

Dan Illouz, a member of Knesset’s right-wing Likud party, organized the Jan. 7 event and contacted Boxer via email on Dec. 10.

“Your unwavering commitment to defending and supporting Israel has made an immeasurable impact on our community and beyond,” Illouz wrote in the email. “Your advocacy and leadership in Israel and on the international stage since Oct. 7 and the Swords of Iron, has been pivotal in Israel’s fight against hatred, antisemitism, and the spread of misinformation worldwide. You have not only provided strength and hope to many but have also inspired countless others to stand firm in their support for our nation.”

Boxer was presented with a certificate of appreciation that reads “in recognition of your unwavering commitment to defending Israel’s truth during the Swords of Iron War. Your dedication ensured that Israel’s resilience and justice shown brightly on the global stage providing vital support to our nation and soldiers, with gratitude The Knesset.”

During his flight home on El-Al, Boxer said that one of the head flight attendants, Claud Pessing, recognized him and expressed her gratitude and appreciation for his support of Israel.

Boxer said he realizes how important it is to speak out in defense and protection of the Jewish homeland.

“A lot of the time you just think that the content you’re creating and what you’re speaking out in public, that no one’s listening and you get hate messages, and it’s really nice to be recognized that you are making a difference,” Boxer said. “When you meet people in the street and say thank you for sharing the truth and being recognized by the Israeli Knesset, and see that they followed and saw my content is an amazing thing.”

Even though he doesn’t consider himself to be on the same level as his fellow honorees, his love of Israel is undeniable.

“Being born and bred in New York, I love my country, as a Jewish person, I love Israel, and a beacon of hope and democracy it is in the Middle East,” he said. “It gives hope that democracy can and will shine forth here, there, and we just have to keep doing good and being the role models that we have to be and do what we’re supposed to be. Hopefully that will make a difference in the world.”

Boxer said he feels that no matter how big or small the voice is on a social media platform, each one can make a huge difference.

“We all make a difference, even though we might not think what we’re doing and saying makes a difference,” Boxer said. “I truly believe we all have that power of change and to share truth and facts, and I think it’s very important that we continue no matter what level you may be on. We must all speak up before it’s too late and no one does.”