Fran Friedman, a beloved Hewlett Bay Park resident and advocate, passed away at 95, leaving a legacy of music, art, and women's rights.
A Queens man was arrested on Oct.4 for allegedly verbal threatening several people in the Five Towns and making antisemetic remarks.
Darren Saunders was arrested for allegedly scamming a 73-year-old woman in Inwood, claiming to work for her bank’s fraud department.
Wilber Quinteros Sigaran, 21, was apprehended for alleged assault and burglary after fleeing a crime scene in Inwood.
The Five Towns Community Center in Lawrence will be demolished to make way for a new facility operated by the Nassau County Police Activity League, as the county seeks to enhance community services and security after the center's lease ended due to declining operations.
A Roosevelt man was arrested for allegedly stabbing a woman outside a Mott avenue home in Inwood on Sept. 26.
As the Nov. 5 election approaches, we urge every eligible Long Islander to exercise his or her fundamental right, and fulfill a crucial civic duty, by voting.
The New York Times ran a story last week, “The Power (and Relief) of a Smaller Bosom,” reporting that the number of women seeking breast-reduction surgery has increased, especially among those under 30. Why are more and more young girls choosing surgery?
Last Oct. 7, Israel was plunged into a crisis that has demanded both our attention and our action. As a rabbi and a proud Zionist, I’ve traveled to Israel twice since that tragic day — once to volunteer, and once to witness the devastation firsthand.
I was a junior at Plainedge High School, in North Massapequa, in 2018, when 17 people died and 17 others were injured in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre in Parkland, Florida.