Lawrence Lately

A jolly time to receive and give


‘Tis the season to be jolly! This year Lawrence had a great football season. The Golden Tornados won the Nassau County championship and made it to the Long Island Championship game. Unfortunately the Tornados did not win, but hey there’s always next year!

Students have two occasions every year to ask for new things, birthdays and this holiday season. With the holidays right around the corner, students have started preparing their wish lists. Of course Apple products always manage to appear on students’ lists. With the new generation of iPods, parents will be taking a trip down to the Apple store.

Another big thing has to be new phones. Every month phone manufactures come out with new devices and those devices are the desire of many. These are the electronics that students are craving. But of course clothes and shoes are on the list. These are things that students want for themselves but many of them have thought about what they need to get for relatives.

Black Friday was a great time for students to get out of their houses in pajamas and get the golden deals. Some students got on the lines for Best Buy at 1 a.m. and others headed over to Roosevelt Field Mall to get the deals that lasted until noon. Holiday shopping began on Black Friday and for some students the shopping is nowhere near over. It goes on until the last minute, to make a run because you just realized to get something for that one distant cousin.

        Lawrence High School students are not that self-centered. Of course, they have a few items in mind for themselves, but around this time of year many school clubs and students are involved in fundraising events. One event in which many students participated was Pancakes for Parkinson’s. This event, organized by Team Fox, a research organization for Parkinson’s disease, helped the community come together on Nov. 13. Students enjoyed delicious pancakes and helped out the cause.

Throughout the month of November the members of Key Club carried around a little orange box for UNICEF, the organization that helps children in more than 150 countries with health care, immunizations, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency relief and much more. In that little orange box these students collected change from other students in school and outside of school.

In addition, the Italian Club and Focus on Helping America are collaborating in running the Toy Drive. These clubs remind students to prepare for amazing times with their families, but also to keep in mind the unfortunate children that are hospitalized and coping with serious illnesses. They encourage students to bring in unopened games or toys that will be donated to those children.

            Lawrence High School students not only have their wish lists prepared but also are contributing to those not as fortunate as us. With all of this consideration and preparation this holiday season is bound to be jolly.