Supporting women through their struggles

‘Food For Thought’ series addresses life’s problems


Six months ago when Ira Kurman, owner of Cravingz Café in Cedarhurst, saw Deb “Dr. Deb” Hirschhorn putting up flyers for one of her speaking engagements, he suggested that his eatery host the “Food For Thought” series for women.

In the Five Towns there are support groups for caregivers, for people suffering from eating disorders, and cancer survivors, but the Food For Thought group is unique in that it is open to women of all ages who just need support and inspiration to get through life’s struggles.

“There has been a series going on at Traditions Restaurant for many years, for men,” said Hirschhorn, a marriage and family therapist. “That is where Ira got the idea.”

Kurman noticed that in Cedarhurst, there were always lunch and learning groups offered, but none for women. “The topics were related to men only,” Kurman said. “I thought that women might be interested in a group for themselves. I’ve noticed a wider range of ages in the women who are attending, and a variety of topics. Women in the workplace, for example, is a topic they’ve discussed. There are some women who need greater support, and the speakers adjust the topics to cover that need, addressing those women. It’s a way for women to express themselves. The group is a way for everyone to connect.” The group meets on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. at Cravingz.

Lawrence resident Sandy Klar is a life coach who has overcome obstacles such as building self-confidence, a series of surgeries which led to a painkiller addiction, and surviving ovarian cancer.

“When I started on a journey of recovery, I realized that I had always believed in Hashem (God) but didn’t have a relationship with Him,” Klar said. “When I realized that, I knew I must do something, like volunteer, and ask myself, ‘What does Hashem really want from us?’ When I got diagnosed with ovarian cancer, instead of asking myself, ‘Why me,’ I asked myself, ‘Why not me?’” The Food for Thought group serves as an outlet for Klar, and by sharing her story of struggle, others who are dealing with life obstacles will find hope in her words.

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