Seaford school district officials are looking to implement a new “vibe studio” at the High School. The studio would be designated for students to make podcasts, videos and other forms of media that can be shown around the school.
The idea for the studio comes from the school’s already existing ‘live-streamed sports program,’ said Seaford High School Principal Nicole Schnabel. She also said that idea comes from the positive energy that surrounded the podcasts created by students in the Radio Club.
“It was a truly organic idea that came out of a lot of discussions with Mr. Tripoli, the art department Lead Teacher, and Mr. Kerr, an art teacher who also advises the Radio Club,” Schnabel said in an email. “In my former district, my colleagues and I worked diligently to build a very robust broadcasting program that was the heart of the high school. We would love to bring that energy to SHS, building off of the skills of these talented teachers and our students who are chomping at the bit to produce material for an authentic audience.”
The room will be equipped with state-of-the-art podcast equipment, video broadcasting equipment, furniture for both types of media, advanced computer technology, teleprompters, green screen, lighting and more. Schnabel said that the school wants to build in after-school time for the students to be able to use the room, but also wants classes to use the room and its equipment for projects.
There are a lot of benefits to having a studio like this. When the idea was first brought up, the main goal was to create podcasts focusing on wellness. Since then, many new ideas have blossomed, Schnabel said.
“We are also planning on recording interviews and creating jingles or commercials to advertise many of the courses we offer,” Schnabel said. “Of course, it would be great to be able to run with the ‘live-stream’ energy and get some students on the field for some sports broadcasting. Hopefully, I see a course offering in the future.”
As soon as the proposal for the studio gets approved, the next steps will be taken to actually get the studio implemented, Schnabel said.
“I think the studio sounds like a very cool way to have students express themselves,” Seaford High School alumna, Jessica Kofod, said. “I think if it becomes a club or a class that they should do interviews with each member of sports teams or clubs so that students can learn more about each sport or club.” Kofod, who attends Molloy College in Rockville Centre-, said the college has a similar program, called the Mane Stage Podcast.
Schnabel said that she would love to see this room take off and for students to be excited to create new projects.
“I want to see students clamoring to get into the studio, excited to edit a new project and produce something that we will share with an audience – whether it be peers, faculty, the community, or other buildings,” Schnabel said. “It would be great if we can play our PSAs, commercials, podcasts, and jingles over the loudspeaker to reach our entire student and faculty body at an appropriate pace.”
She also said that she would like to hear feedback from parents about how children like the studio.
“I think the studio is a great idea,” Seaford Harbor PTA President Shannon Conaty said. “I hope it will help the students in the high school to express themselves and help them to share their feelings and thoughts on different topics. It’s a great asset to have in the school and it really allows students to branch out.” Conaty said she has never heard of any other schools doing something similar but thinks that the students will be very receptive.
“We are very grateful for the opportunity to build upon an already impressive program at SHS,” Schnabel said. “This will be an addition that all students can access and even if they choose not to create, they can enjoy the benefits of listening to and learning from the products.”
The district did not respond to a request for comment related to how the project would be funded.