Glen Cove City School District budget up for a vote 


This year, the Glen Cove City School District has proposed a budget of roughly $92.4 million. The tax levy, which is under the 2 percent limit is roughly $70.8 million, an increase of roughly $1.4 million.

Glen Cove City School District was originally promised roughly $9 million in Foundation Aid Funding from New York state. But now, with three “lookback periods on June 30 and Dec. 30, with one “lookback period” that already passed on April 30, the funding hangs in the balance.

“At any time, we could have the foundation aid, or a portion of it, taken away from us,” Glen Cove City School District Superintendent Dr. Maria L. Rianna said. “The governor can pull back on the aid promised to a school district. The governor is saying up to 20 percent.” 

If 20 percent is taken away from the school district, that would mean a loss of roughly $1.8 million. “So, when we move forward with  this budget, we were careful to reduce foundation aid, or an expectation of a foundation aid, by at least 10 percent,” Rianna said. 

“The budget that has been adopted has kept in mind that we are aware of the financial impact that many people in the community are dealing with,” Rianna said. “We have cut some of the recommendations that would have enhanced our support in our instructional programs, but we have focused on what children need as well and we feel that this is an extremely financially responsible budget.” 

Under this budget, there have been reductions in a fine arts coordinator, human resources executive director, additional teachers for R.M. Finley Middle School, additional social workers, office and instructional supplies, support staff and administrative staff. 

“No one has lost their job at this point, but right now we have accepted a number of retirements and based on additional information we will determine whether or not those positions will be filled in their entirety,” Rianna said. 

As for the human resources position, Rianna said she took on that responsibility six years ago in order to save the district money. “We felt it was necessary for us to hire someone for that position,” she said. “But we did not get to the point that we did hire the person because of the changes we have experienced in state aid.” 

Additionally, in the adopted budget, the district has included a middle school electrical and lighting project for the auditorium, a Glen Cove High School boiler room expansion tanks project, American with Disabilities act compliant toilet installations in the middle school and a Connolly Elementary School Nurse ADA Toilet. The capital outlays come to $600,000.

The annual budget vote, along with the board of education election vote for the 2020-21 school year will be held by absentee ballot on Tuesday June 9. Absentee ballots must be received in the office of the District Clerk – Thayer House at 154 Dosoris Lane by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday June 9. For more information, visit