Street dedication honors Lakeview hero


A street dedication ceremony was held Thursday to honor Victor A. Cantelmo III, a firefighter and 9/11 first responder, who served his community and the nation. Hempstead Town Supervisor Don Clavin and Councilwoman Laura Ryder led the event, joined by family, friends, neighbors, and members of the Fire Department of New York.

The newly unveiled “Firefighter Victor A. Cantelmo III Drive” is located at the intersection of Sylvan Drive and Harrison Street, near Cantelmo’s Lakeview home. The ceremony featured an American flag arch provided by the Lakeview Fire Department.

“The Town of Hempstead has vowed to ‘Never Forget’ the heroes of September 11, 2001, and we practice what we preach. Victor Cantelmo III is a hero who gave his life in service to our nation. This street dedication will educate future generations about Victor’s legacy and the impact of 9/11 on our community and country,” Clavin said.
Cantelmo joined the Lakeview Fire Department in 1984 at age 18, later serving as Captain and Assistant Chief. He graduated from the police academy at 22 and joined the New York Police Department. In 1995, he became a member of the FDNY, serving until 2002, before rejoining the Lakeview Fire Department.

He worked at Ground Zero in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, where he was later diagnosed with a 9/11-related lung disease. Cantelmo passed away in February 2023.

“The Town of Hempstead is forever indebted to first responders like Victor Cantelmo III. This street dedication is a tribute to their heroism and sacrifice. The turnout from the FDNY and the Lakeview Fire Department shows how beloved Victor was in his community,” Ryder said.

The ceremony included participation from the FDNY Ceremonial Unit, featuring the FDNY Emerald Society Pipes & Drums and the FDNY Color Guard. Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, an FDNY chaplain, offered the invocation. Remarks were also made by Cantelmo’s cousin Andrea LaFata and Commissioner Heather McNeill of the Lakeview Fire Department.

Cantelmo’s parents attended a press event on Sept. 6, with local officials to support Congressman Anthony D’Esposito’s bill to declare September 11 a National Holiday.

“The Town of Hempstead salutes Victor A. Cantelmo III, and is proud to immortalize his name here on Sylvan Drive in Lakeview. Thank you to the Cantelmo family, the FDNY, the Lakeview Fire Department, and all who came out in support of a great man and hometown hero,” Supervisor Clavin concluded.