A tale of kindness

A Meadow School boy and his classmates donate birthday presents to a friend who lost his mother


For most second graders the excitement of their birthday lies in the thought of all the presents they are about to receive. For second grader, Michael Dones, the excitement is not about the newest toys he’ll receive and the games he’ll get to play; it’s about those he’ll give away.

      In years past, Michael has donated to children in need at South Nassau Hospital and even to the Philippines. About two weeks before Michael’s birthday, our class experienced a great tragedy. Fellow classmate, Levar Diaz, lost his mom due to complications from Pneumonia. While we all had ideas to start a small collection for food and send cards, Michael had another idea.

Michael decided that this year, he would donate all of the birthday gifts he’d receive from the class to Levar, in an effort to lift his spirits. Michael’s parents got on board and began emailing all of the parents in our class to let them know what Michael intended to do with their gifts. Everyone was amazed and moved by Michael’s selflessness and generosity. At Michael’s birthday he received many wonderful gifts, all with Levar in mind.

   He presented them to Levar in school the following Monday and needless to say, he was just beaming with joy. While the new presents can never replace his mom Rhonda, for that day, in that moment, Levar was happy. The other kids in the class began to express that they too, would donate some of their presents to others in need in the future.

   It’s not every day that we learn something from an eight-year-old child, but in sharing this story, I am hoping the kindness will be contagious!

Mrs. Levinson is a second grade teacher at the Meadow school.

Comments about this story? CConnolly@LIHerald.com or (516) 569-4000 ext. 283