Baldwin Middle School students are warming hearts and hands for those in need


Baldwin Middle School's Student Interest Organization spearheaded an initiative called “Winter Giveback,” aimed at providing warm clothing for the homeless.

Organized by the student government program, SIO, the drive saw students from grades 6 to 8 rallying together to collect over 150 articles of clothing, including gloves, hats, scarves, and socks.

In line with the district’s overarching initiative, Baldwin 2035, which emphasizes fostering positive relationships, citizenship, and collaboration through acts of service and kindness, the “Winter Giveback” directly contributes to creating a culture of compassion within the school community.

Erica Taylor, principal of Baldwin Middle School, championed the idea of a homeless service project for the winter season, underscoring the school’s commitment to instilling values of empathy and altruism among its students.

“This year, Baldwin Middle School students have dedicated themselves to nurturing a culture of kindness within our school community,” Taylor wrote in a news release. “Our Student Interest Organization has extended this culture of kindness beyond our school’s borders. We’ve challenged ourselves to give more than we receive, hoping to inspire others to pay it forward. Every outreach and service project we engage in encourages our students to strive for greater citizenship and compels them to make a meaningful impact.”

The Winter Giveback initiative has spurred the SIO to explore additional avenues for community involvement and positive change. Taylor expressed optimism about the initiative’s impact, noting, “In the words of Nelson Mandela, ‘Our society needs to re-establish a culture of caring.’ We’re doing our part!”