Chief honors sisters in service


Baldwin Fire Department Chief Brien Cummings honors women of the Baldwin Fire Department in Women’s History Month statement. Noting the many roles women play day to day he remarks: “This month we celebrate the female firefighters and medics...they successfully complete the impossible task of juggling their commitments to training, calls and schooling with their responsibilities of being mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and grandmothers,” concluding, “We thank them for their devotion to duty and commitment to serve our community.”

Two longstanding Baldwin female firefighters Karen Werfelman of the First Aid Company and Maureen Carl of Engine Company Four have both been serving since the early 90's. These two dedicated women have become a part of the tradition that many firefighters have familial connections in the department.

Werfelman’s father Bill was a former chief of department, a title they both shared at different points in their careers. Her husband Steve is also a firefighter with the neighboring Oceanside Fire Department.

Similarly, Carl’s late husband George was a former Captain in Baldwin Hose Four and a New York City Fire Department Firefighter (FDNY.) Following in his parent’s footsteps their son Tim was also a firefighter in Hose Four and is presently an FDNY firefighter.