Hangout One Happy Place's talent show to raise funds for Michael Saintrome's family


After Michael Saintrome was severely injured when a van hit him in January, Angela Lucas, founder of Hangout One Happy Place, has been trying to help raise money for his family.

The first fundraiser, which was a bingo event, raised about $1,400 for Saintrome’s family in April.

This came months after Saintrome received 125 staples in his head and part of his skull had to be removed. Saintrome is currently still in and out of consciousness, as Lucas plans another fundraiser on July 22 at Baldwin Harbor Park at 6:30 p.m.

“Even if we raise only $100, that’s enough for gas money,” Lucas said about the upcoming talent show event. “Anything is better than nothing.”

Lucas said that whatever fund will be raised, will go straight to Saintrome’s family.

The people that will perform at the event will be Saintrome’s friends and people that went to school with him.

Lucas was involved in Saintrome’s life for 17 years as she was his teacher at Meadow Elementary School, Baldwin Middle School, and Baldwin High School.

“So he is like family,” Lucas said.

Lucas said she was “horrified” and heart-broken when she heard the news about Saintrome. At first, she heard about the accident on the news, but wasn’t aware that it was Saintrome who was hit by the van.

It wasn’t until she saw Saintrome’s mom at the store where she figured out that it was Saintrome who was hit by the van.

“According to his mom, if you say his name, he’ll reach for you,” Lucas said. “So he’s making some progress.”

Before the accident, Lucas remembers Saintrome being a huge basketball fan. He also was very invested into politics and “was always up for a good argument,” according to Lucas. Lucas said that Saintrome always touched her heart.

Last Wednesday, Saintrome was taken to the ER due to low sodium levels.

Now, more than ever, Lucas is hoping to raise enough money for Saintrome’s family at the talent show.

Lucas said that if you can’t make the fundraiser, you can send a check to her at Hangout One Happy Place at 2959 Grand Ave, Baldwin or you can email her for venmo information at hangout1happyplace@gmail.