Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


Dems go too far in attacks on Browne

To the Editor:

As a longtime reader of the Herald, I was saddened by the irresponsible political dialogue captured in "Tax Revolt Party is over for Browne in the 5th" (Sept. 10-16).
Collecting signatures to place a candidate on a ballot for the November election is a simple process that appeared to be completely misrepresented by several prominent Nassau Democrats. This desperate attempt to portray possible deficient petition signatures as orchestrated fraud is so wildly inaccurate, yet it coincidentally arrives at the same time Republican Chris Browne defeated incumbent Legislator Joe Scannell (D-Baldwin) in the Conservative Party primary.

Examine the process. A committee person from a political party walks their district and obtains signatures to get their candidates on the ballot and then submits the collected signatures and addresses to the Board of Elections, which have representatives from both major parties. Democrats and Republicans review and challenge the information.

Let's say you injure your wrist, and when you sign a petition, a person at the Board of Elections who compares the signed signatures to those on record could successfully question whether the signature is valid and argue that it is deficient. Should a registered voter errantly write down the incorrect address or zip code, that too is legitimate grounds for disqualification. Petitions that are deemed deficient are not submitted. This is an established process.

Ken Dash, who is a registered Democrat and also alleged to be the Nassau County Democratic Party Committee treasurer, is a clerk responsible for handling financial reporting at the Board of Elections. Mr. Dash's written allegation that Browne directed individuals to commit fraud is excessive, inaccurate and could be interpreted as libelous and defamatory. That Steve Schlesinger, the paid legal counsel to Nassau Democrats, would call for Browne's arrest predicated on baseless and empty charges would be laughable if it wasn't so injurious to Browne's outstanding reputation.

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