
Lions have Koreans for lunch

Baldwin Lions welcome Korean culture club


The Baldwin lions hosted a Korean culture event on January 30th at the public library. Ms. Kyung Won Pak, director of the Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project, contacted Lions president Dianne Cattrano and suggested a get together. Intrigued by the idea, Cattrano contacted the library and the project began picking up steam.

The mission of the Korean Spirit and Culture Project, said Cattrano, is to “help people to become more aware of the contributions that Korea has made to the world in its over 5,000-year history. They do this program free of charge to thank America for their support, especially during the Korean War which devastated their country.”

During the presentation, students and fans of Korean culture dressed in traditional Korean costumes and discussed various aspects of their heritage. The presentation included several short films: one describing the art of ancient Korea, and two more dealing with the Korean alphabet and the industrial contributions of modern Korea. The Spirit and Cultural Promotion Project also donated a set of books to the library and presented each attendee with a book and a


Following the film presentations, a traditional Korean meal was served. The dishes offered included kimchi and a rice punch which Cattrano described as “delicious.” 

“The Lions Club was happy to be able to offer this cultural program for the enjoyment of all who attended,” Cattrano said enthusiastically.