Passover Message

Rabbi Chaplain Stacy Sokol gives Passover message to Baldwin


The Song Freedom by Donna Theodore and Chip Ford says, “Freedom is a State of mind.” Passover is a celebration of freedom and liberation. It is a time when everyone worldwide can be grateful for all we have, especially the freedom in this country to practice our religion and our beliefs.

Passover is a Jewish festival that commemorates the Exodus from Egypt and the decisive role women played in this influential history of the Jewish People. The Red (REED SEA) parted with God’s mighty hand when the Israelites exited Egypt. The women danced with timbrels in their hands and sang with Miriam. In the Jewish prayer Book, Mi Chamocha Baeylim Adonai, Mi Kamocha ne-edar bakodesh! ˆWho is like you of Lord? no one is as wonderful and powerful as you! are repeated throughout the liturgy.

This past Fall, my father passed. I have memories from my childhood of celebrating Passover with my father, grandparents, mother, and beautiful siblings. My father encouraged me to embrace my femininity and my religiosity when I was a young girl. He encouraged me to study the ˆHaggaddah, (the Book used on Passover for the Seder) ˆand the Aramaic prayers within.

My father gave me the confidence to chant The Four Questions, the Mah Nishtana; why is this night different than all other nights? This Passover, I am grateful, more than ever, to my father for guiding me to freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom to be a Hispanic Jew living through the 70s to the present, and giving me the strength to be a woman in a very male-dominated world.

I am also very grateful and have found comfort, solace, and home in Freeport at Congregation B’nai Israel, where I have been the Spiritual leader for almost twelve years. Being able to help and inspire people makes me feel liberated and free. I love being a Rabbi, Cantor, and now US Chaplain for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA.)

Happy Holidays to us all,

Rabbi Cantor Chaplain Stacy Sokol, CBI Freeport

Rabbi Cantor Stacy Joy Sokol, D.Min, MSM, BA, Chaplain