
Central seventh-graders find their bearings at Grand Ave., Merrick Ave. orientations


“Where’s room 239?”

“Dennis! Where’s your next class?”

“I need some help.”

Shouts and the sound of shuffling feet filled the halls of Grand Avenue and Merrick avenue middle schools last week during the annual seventh-grade orientation program, which gives students and their families a chance to get to know their new schools.

Getting oriented

Carlo Conte, who is beginning his first year as principal of Grand Avenue Middle School, said this year’s orientation did not differ drastically from programs in past years. He said he feels the program allows new students to get to know the building and what to expect once they’re in class.

On Aug. 28, two orientation sessions were held at 8 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. at Grand Avenue. Conte said school officials assigned seventh-graders time slots based on their teams, an academic grouping of teachers in math, science, social studies and English. During each orientation program, parents were invited to join Conte in the auditorium for an information session.

Conte said he gave parents basic information about busing, lunch and scheduling, and they had the opportunity to ask questions about their concerns, ranging from the length of homework to extra-help services.

“Sometimes, the parents have even more anxiety than the students,” he said. “This is a time that I can talk to them in a personalized way about how things are in the building.”

Merrick Avenue Middle School held its orientation from 10 to 11 a.m. on the same Tuesday, after which students spent the next two to three hours practicing opening their lockers and decorating them, finding their classrooms and catching up with friends after summer vacation.

During orientation, students met with their first-period teachers, who explained the ins and outs of Merrick Avenue Middle School, including the changing of classes and busing. Meanwhile, Dr. Meador Pratt, the new MAMS principal, met with parents in the auditorium.

“I am just so excited about this upcoming year,” Pratt told the parents. “You’re going to find this is a special place where we care about kids as individuals.”

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