School's back: Drive safely


It's September, and children from kindergarten to college are starting a new school year. For parents, back to school means the end of carefree summer activities and a return to routine school days. For drivers, however, back to school means a return to slower driving in your community -- especially around school zones.

With many newly licensed teen drivers resuming their daily commutes to high school or college, now is the perfect time for everyone to review safe driving rules - both adults and teens. This is an important conversation that parents must have with their teens.

Pedestrian-vehicle injuries are a leading cause of death for children ages 5 to 14. Motor-vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury and death among teenagers; with the risk of crashes highest among teens 16 to 19 years old. The Community Parent Center and the Allstate Foundation offer these safe driving tips for the back-to-school season and throughout the year:

_ Always wear seat belts.

_ Limit the number of passengers in your car.

_ Do not use cell phones or any other electronic devices when driving.

_ Avoid distractions. No eating, drinking or adjusting the radio.

_ Obey all traffic signs, signals and markings.

_ Never drink alcohol or use other drugs while driving.

_ Be familiar with school zones and obey crossing guards.

_ Do not speed, especially in school zones.

_ Stop for the school bus when red lights are flashing.

_ Drive defensively.

If every driver exercises caution, obeys the traffic laws and uses a little common sense, the first days of this school season and the entire year will be a little safer.