
Inside the Lufthansa HEI$T

Long Beach has an interesting part in the six million dollar …

90th Birthday Celebration

Dotty Massa, seen here with her Great Grandchildren, celebrated her 90th Birthday with family and friends, at a party given to her by her children at the Milleridge Inn on Friday night, September …

Seaford Community Preschool Field Trip To the Library

The students of the Seaford Community Preschool went on a field trip to the Seaford Public Library. The students had the opportunity to hear from the staff of the children's library about all of the …


Fran and Ray Martini are happy to announce the arrival of their First Granddaughter Gianna Maria. She was born on Saturday, Sept. 27th at 2:25 p.m. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 20 in. …


Randi & Ira Camhi reading the Nassau Herald while visiting the Schonbrunn Castle, in Vienna.

A Queen of Queens

Nassau County Legislator Laura Curran recognizes Baldwin resident Ally Callaghan at her Homecoming from serving as the New York State Representative of the Organization of Triangles [a youth group …

Wantagh Fire Dept Contest

Photo of Wantagh Elementary School Winners. Presentation of awards was at the Wantagh Fire Dept at their open house.

Long Beach Catholic Regional School National Junior …

Congratulations to the first members of the NJHS at Long Beach Catholic!

Happy Halloween from the Katsavos Triplets

3 little pigs trick or treating in Lynbrook

OFSD Eyesore

As longtime residents (38 years) of the Oceanside Terrace Community we need help transforming an eyesore on Oceanside School District property at the Merle Avenue School on Oceanside Road south of …