Column: Writing on the Wall

climb every mountain — but start with the stairs


Here I go again — on a diet, or rather, to be politically correct, another “lifestyle change.” Hmmp. Who are we kidding? It’s a diet! As a required disclaimer, please check with your doctor first before trying to lose a large amount of weight. Or a psychiatrist.

As the old joke goes, “I know how to lose weight, I’ve done it a thousand times!” In my case, I am just trying to get back to “shapely” — thin was never on the plate, so to speak. I have been trying to lose this “baby weight” since, well ... let me see, my baby is 18 now ... you do the math. I can blame my children, I can blame my job, I can even blame my husband, but ultimately, it’s up to me to make changes — and I have. So far, I have lost 17 of a projected 50 pounds that I don’t want to ever see again. And I know I won’t.

I was one of those who said, “But I don’t overeat!” — and I truly believed that. I had a decent breakfast, no lunch, some snacks, and dinner (two portions, because who wants to eat leftovers?) But I didn’t count nibbles, bites, cleaning kids’ plates with my tongue, tasting the meatball (s) while cooking, the cheese and crackers when I got home because I (stupidly) didn’t eat lunch, the extra portion of albeit low-fat ice cream, the “taste” of peanut butter before bed.

Thing is, our bodies are not designed to lose weight — we are designed to hold onto it, so it’s truly a battle. What working for me? It’s hard, but doable! Here are some things:

Keep track! I am not a joiner, but I found, with an app that I use constantly. It’s like a game — I cut my calories in half (my body is designed to maintain itself with 2,200 calories, so half of that) and count everything, I mean everything! I can eat salads, burgers, pizza, fruits, veggies, lean meats, as long as it’s balanced and doesn’t go over my daily calorie goal.

No punishment, no reward: I don’t feel bad if I have an extra slice of pizza, because I will have less frozen yogurt later. I am in control of how I will use up those calories.

Exercise: Shake it up! I hated it. But I started walking on the beach, then a different beach, then a track, then a hike. I even walked an hour on the Appalachian Trail this summer! I don’t do it every day because sometimes I just can’t. Dance. Make it fun.

Make your goals realistic. I’m shooting for Christmas or New Year’s to lose the 50, but I may extend that. Impatience is a killer.

Get through the stall: I lost quickly, then stopped for 10 days. Get through it, don’t give up. Let your body adjust. Change it up!

Seriously, if a serial dieter like me can finally do it, anyone can. If you’re a joiner, try Weight Watchers or your local gym. Walk with a buddy. Let me know how you’re doing!