East Rockaway returns to term limits

Board restricts service of village mayor, trustees, justice


The East Rockaway village board voted unanimously at Monday night’s regular meeting to reincorporate terms limits for the mayor, village trustees and village justice, bringing back a local law that was changed in 2005.
“I wholeheartedly stand behind this,” said Mayor Francis Lenahan. “I think it’s good government to let people come in, do the best they possibly can and then get out.”
Lenahan said that local government is “not like Congress or the Senate,” where politicians can and do serve for decades. “I think fresh, new blood is good,” he added.
The new law establishes a limit of two consecutive four-year terms for mayors, trustees and village justices, though they may run for another office after two terms. The law is not retroactive, and begins with the current terms of office. Lenahan was elected mayor in March, and Stanley Lombardo and Ed Corrado, his running mates, were elected trustees. Richard Gogarty was appointed to Irene Villacci’s trustee seat after she resigned shortly after the election.
Trustee Bruno Romano, who is currently serving in his 11th year, was out of town and did not comment. Since the law is not retroactive, he and Village Justice Steven S. Siegel can run again in 2013.

Also on the agenda
n Lenahan swore in five members of the newly formed Recreation Committee, which will advise and oversee the Recreation Department. They are Chairman Frank Barbaro, Ronald Chisholm, Nancy Landerer, Mike Lombardo and Richie Neckles.
n A resolution was passed to purchase two new garbage trucks, for $165,000 each.
n A bid was awarded to purchase a new 2011 fire engine/pumper. A total of $500,000 was allocated for the purchase, with $15,000 coming from a Federal Emergency Management Agency grant.

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liherald.com or (516) 569-4000 ext. 202.