Halloween fun at Scares for Cares


Vincent Bonfanti, the deputy grand knight of the Knights of Columbus St. Mary’s/Maris Stella Council No. 2228 in Lynbrook, honored his late friend by transforming the organization’s headquarters into a  haunted Halloween celebration.

Dozens showed up in costume to the third annual Scare for Cares fundraiser on Saturday. The event has become a tradition for the Knights, who host the Halloween-themed party each year in remembrance of their friend Stephen Shaughnessy.

“This is in remembrance of him, but also continuing what his last wish was to me which was to keep the work going,” Bonfanti said. The work that he is continuing is donating to charity, which is where he came up with the idea of Scares for Cares. “I said, ‘you know what? We can do a big charity event here for Halloween.’ And I don’t want to say this is a memorial, but more so a celebration of Stephen’s life,” Bonfanti said.

Bonfanti said his motto is to “go big or go home” so he put a lot of time into this year’s charity event. Each attendee had to pay $50 for a ticket with a portion of each ticket going toward the John Theissen children’s foundation. Money spent on the Islanders and Billy Joel ticket raffles will also go to the foundation.

Along with the raffles, there was a DJ and a dance floor, which attendees were dancing on throughout the night. Those who attended were asked to come in costume, as it is tradition and the costumes ranged from comic book characters to Disney princesses to very niche movie references. A variety of spooky decorations and a “haunted hallway” completed the Halloween feel.

Bonfanti expressed his gratitude for being able to carry out the promise he gave Shaughnessy to continue giving back to charity. “I hope that I’ve been making him proud throughout the years,” Bonfanti said about Shaughnessy. “He’s given me much more since he’s not been here. Between friends, joining up with the Knights, and all of you guys, I wouldn’t be able to keep my promise,” Boinfanti said.