Rev. Bob Walderman: ‘Twas the night of first Christmas 


’Twas the night of first Christmas, and through the stable,

not a creature was stirring, though they were able.

I arranged the hay by the manger with care,

and prayed that Emmanuel soon would be there.

As Caesar decreed a census there would be,

so off to Bethlehem we traveled you see.

We searched but no inn had room for us that dark night,

 and so Mary and I chose a stable to light.

Dear Mary was readied all bundled up and warm, 

while many thoughts of this babe in her head did swarm.

Angels said he’d be great, Son of the Most High,

David’s throne he will get. “Marvelous!” she sighed.

When out from Mary there came such a clatter, 

I sprang from my bed to see to the matter.

Away to Mary’s side did I fly like a flash,

I tore off the blanket and I cut up a sash.

The silent night air filled with cries of her strain, 

and I held her hand tight to try and ease her pain.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear?

The baby Jesus; in my eye was a tear.

His name would be Jesus, His people he’d save,

for this, he’d need be very special and brave.

O more rapid than eagles the thoughts how they came,

The voice of the prophets as I rehearsed his names!

The Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, ah!

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Messiah!

I peaked ‘neath the blanket at this holy thing,

He was pink with hair black as a raven’s wing.

She wrapped him in cloths and he fed at her breast,

I shooed the animals so he’d not get stressed.

I prayed with my hands raised up toward the night skies,

While up in the rafters, doves cooed lullabies.

And then, in a twinkling, bearded shepherds ran in,

They spoke not a word, but they all nodded and grinned.

Approaching the child they knelt reverently,

spoke of angels while worshipping fervently!

They said they saw angels, heard news of great joy,

“He is The Christ!” they sang of this little boy.

“Now there would be peace on those God showers favor,

for today, in Bethlehem, was born The Savior!

They left in a hurry just the same as they came,

telling the story, they would never be the same.

I whispered their words as I heard from the start,

but Mary smiled and treasured them in her heart.

Now, two years later, we had moved to a house,

and I just settled to rest on the couch.

When to our door came some Wise Men from the East,

“We followed his star,” said they, “tie up the beasts.”

They entered our home with wonder filling their eyes,

and before Jesus they bowed, to my great surprise!

“Gifts for the new King!” They said with much confidence,

presenting us gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense.

I watched as their caravan drove out of sight,

recalling our blessings that first Christmas night.

I spoke not a word, but went to Mary’s side,

I hugged her and thanked God that she was my bride.

Standing there in awe, we both felt very humble,

recalling words Simeon spoke at the Temple;

 “Salvation has now come! For the Gentiles a light,

the glory of Israel is now in plain sight!”