
Safety tips for Halloween

Nassau County Police Department advises drivers to be alert


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of deaths nationwide among young pedestrians increases 4.5 times on Halloween evening compared with the same time period all other nights of the year. Children engaged in Trick-or-Treat activities frequently cross streets at mid-block rather than at corners or crosswalks, putting them at risk for pedestrian injury.

Commissioner Lawrence Mulvey advises drivers to be on particular alert. They need to slow down, come to a complete stop at all stop signs, and proceed with extreme caution. Motorists should be cognizant of the increased pedestrian traffic and operate their vehicles accordingly.

Tips for Trick-or-Treaters

Trick-or-Treat by going to all houses on one side of the street, cross at the corner, and then go down the other side, thereby minimizing the amount of time spent dashing across dark streets. Trick-or-Treat in groups, in well-lit neighborhoods and stay on the sidewalk. Obey traffic signals and don't cut across yards or driveways.  Carry a flashlight and make sure costumes are bright and don't drag on the ground. Wear shoes that fit and avoid wearing masks that obstruct your vision.  Stay away from strangers, and animals you don't know.  Young children should be accompanied by an adult. Older children not being escorted by an adult should carry a cell phone and have in their possession some form of identification.   It is suggested they wear a watch that can be read in the dark.

Tips for Parents

Parents should have a detailed description of what their children are wearing and know exactly where their children are going.  Always advise children at what time to be home and where parents can be reached.

Tips for Homeowners

Make sure your yard is clear of ladders, hoses, dog leashes and flowerpots that can trip Trick-or Treaters.  Pets get frightened on Halloween, so keep them inside to protect them from inadvertently biting a Trick-or-Treater. Battery powered jack o'lantern candles are preferable to real flames.  If real candles are used, make sure they are placed well away from where Trick-or-Treaters will be.

The Nassau County Police Department will also be utilizing marked and unmarked patrol vehicles to deter malicious property damage and other potential unlawful incidents.