
Some pointers from the Yad Squad


On November 8, the religious school at Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre held its annual Yad Program.

The Yads — or Torah pointers — were designed and made by students of the the Hay class for use at their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. The Yads were created with the help of the Yad Squad, a team of dentists and artistic congregates who worked with the children and their parents. Thirty-two students participated this year.

Using wax and dental instruments, the Yad Squad assisted the children in designing and carving their pointers. The finished wax creations will be cast in sterling silver and will then be put on display near the main sanctuary for several weeks so that the congregants can enjoy viewing these original family heirlooms.

The Yad Program was started eight years ago by David Woolfe, HERJC’s Religious School director. He approached a congregant Dr. Neil Meixler, a retired dentist and Judaic artist and asked if he had ever made a yad. Meixler had made one yad for his grandson, which, according to Woolfe, was one more than anyone else in the congregation had done. Meixler enlisted the aid of several friends and the Yad Squad was born. This is one of the major programs at HERJC Religious School, and the only one of its kind in the area.