Cornering the Market

Helping seniors and their families


Aging with Dignity Senior Services, LLC

(516) 313-3401


Retirement should be a worry-free, fulfilling time of life. But as people age, needs start to change, and challenges set in. Resources for seniors are out there, but where to start and how to find them can be a dilemma. Costs of medical care and daily living can be prohibitive for both for seniors and their families if things aren’t coordinated correctly. Aging with Dignity Senior Services can help provide the educated options.

Ave’ McCracken, CSA, founded Aging with Dignity Senior Services following her own experience as her mother’s caregiver and advocate. She had learned, first hand, how overwhelming everything can become. Needed at home, she had made the choice to leave her corporate career. After 25 years as a medical publishing executive, she had developed working relationships with many medical professionals. She was more than familiar with gold standard references and online resources. Drawing on her passion for helping people and her extensive knowledge, she became a Certified Senior Advisor and started her own consulting service.

McCracken focuses on advocacy for the elderly, helping to manage their needs — from medical to social to financial. She will go into a home, do an assessment, identify the issues, and assess the person’s eligibility for specific services. Finding the proper resources, she helps the senior and family come up with a plan. This can involve referring physicians, finding the right assisted living facility or nursing home, securing a home assistant, estate planning professionals, long term care insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, physical therapy, grief counseling, reverse mortgages, senior specialist realtors, transportation and so much more.

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