The Spirit of 343



That Tuesday when terror struck from the sky,

The Bravest were sent by the F.D.N.Y.

To the ominous scene of the Twin burning Towers

Where the world would be changed in a matter of hours.

On engines and ladders, they came with zeal

To climb the towers of glass and steel.

Rescuing thousands, they could not know

The Twins had suffered a fatal blow.

But when the floors the heat did bend,

And our icons succumbed to an evil intend,

The spirit of freedom transcended the fall

And the greatest nation again stood tall.

Americans came from far and wide

To search for the lost and restore our pride,

But for three-hundred forty-three firemen,

The alarm would never sound again!

September 11, 2001 -

A beautiful day that came undone -

Another date of infamy

For crimes against humanity;

We will never forget what happened that day,

Nor the many who came from miles away,

And the extraordinary BRAVERY

Of the indomitable Spirit of 343.