Ice cream, learning and fun at extended school year program


Elementary students enrolled in Elmont Union Free School District’s Extended School Year Program enjoyed an ice cream treat from Mister Softee thanks to a Sweet Rewards Grant from the Nassau Suffolk Autism Society of America.

According to district behavior analyst Rhonda Lebit, the NSASA provides the grant to reward students and their teachers with a special treat in recognition of their hard work during the school year and summer months.

One by one, teachers assisted students in placing their orders for soft ice cream and Italian ices, giving the children a chance to practice life skills such as waiting on line and ordering food. Covert Avenue kindergarten teacher Dr. Valerie Reese, the program’s principal, said the summer program gives students many opportunities to practice their life skills through participation in community activities, including free events at the Elmont Public Library. The children also continue their academic learning in mathematics, English language arts, science and social studies, which, she said, is essential to their ongoing progress.

“These students need routine and the sense of continuation,” Dr. Reese said. “If their education stopped in June, they would experience significant regression in their learning.”

The Extended School Year Program is held at Alden Terrace School and provides summer learning opportunities for special education students and those with autism.