Two hundred boats expected at 45th annual shark tournament


The Guy Lombardo Marina of Freeport will soon be buzzing with fishermen and spectators in anticipation for the 45th annual Shark Tournament presented by the Freeport Hudson Anglers Inc., (FHA). At 5:30 a.m. Saturday, June 17, the FHA fishing club is expecting nearly 200 boats to take off in search of the biggest shark at sea for cash prizes.

The purpose of this tournament, as per the FHA Tournament Committee, is not only providing a fun event with good sportsmanship and competition, but to promote the conservation of immature sharks by tag and release. FHA vice president, Tom Tortorici said that the tag and release component is something that can set the organization apart from other tournaments.

“You can tag a shark that’s too small with tags from Narragansett, you are given a card with the tag and you can write down the sharks’ information [sex of the shark, approximate weight, species] right there on the card,” said Tortorici. “Six percent of the tournament proceeds go toward tracking the shark’s development and population.”

Blue, Brown, Tiger, Mako, Thresher, Hammerhead and Porbeagle sharks are eligible for catching, at 150 pounds or more with the exception for 200 pounds or more for Blue sharks.

The FHA partners with marine biologists of NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in order to insure that fishermen are following proper angling guidelines.

FHA President and tournament director, David Gross, added that over the years, the Shark tournament has made a name for itself in the Freeport community.

“We try to take all of the shark meat and donate it to soup kitchens and local churches in Freeport, as well as donate a good sum of tournament money to various charities throughout Long Island,” said Gross.

“We at FHA try to carry a theme that everyone [in the Freeport community] can benefit from this tournament,” Tortorici added.

For tournament information, applications or sign up, contact 516-378-5181 or email The tournament will be held at the Guy Lombardo Marina in Freeport, NY on Saturday, June 17.