School News

Time for another spelling test


The Principal’s Office is taking a break from its usual lineup of heavy-hitting topics for one of the most popular features since the column’s inception –– the Writing Quiz (this time in the form of a spelling test).

Too many current students can’t spell. Too often, grammar is no longer taught in all schools, as “whole language” teaching still reigns. Also, students are accustomed to writing in texting shorthand, which I call computereze. (LOL b4u.)

No matter the reason, they will pay a huge price when it comes to the job sweepstakes. Employers want workers who can write good, technically correct English.

I keep a running list of words that my students frequently misspell. There are 25 spelling errors in the following passage. The sentences are a bit nonsensical; I inserted them into relatively little space. To help you, the number of mistakes in each sentence appears in parentheses.

•Febuary is the second month on the calender during which Washington’s birthday will be celebrated on the second Wenesday.  (3)

•The worker was aquitted of extrordinary harrassment of colleagues in the work enviorment and didn’t recieve any punishment. (5)

•He has the bizzarre habit of keeping his hankerchief in his shoe. (2)

•My grandaugher who is kindergarden likes deserts alot.  (4)

I warned you the sentences would be weird!  Speaking of “weird,” as I explained previously, it has a “weird” spelling, defying the “i before e, except after c, or when sounding like a, as in neighbor or weigh.” That’s how I remember its spelling: It’s weird.

We start off with three day/date problems. February is missing an “r.” The word “calendar” ends in –ar, not –er.  There is no magic rule for this one; you just have to learn it. Same for the spelling of Wednesday, unless you want to remember that people get married (Wed) on Wednesday. 

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