City approves bay-side storm protection measures

Council OKs funding for bulkheading, drainage projects


The City Council last week approved an initiative to move forward with new bayside bulkheading and drainage projects, a crucial step in fortifying the barrier island against future storms.

“It’s the first time that the city has put the real shovels in the ground towards bayside protection,” said City Manager Jack Schnirman.

At the March 18 meeting, city officials offered residents a comprehensive look at the resiliency efforts being made on the northern side of the city, including various proposed and ongoing infrastructure improvements, storm protection measures and economic revitalization efforts.

“While were extremely glad to be moving forward with the Army Corps plan, it’s time to talk about the bay,” Schnirman said.

Last week’s unanimous vote authorized the city to enter into a contract with Oyster Bay-based Woodstock Construction Group to repair and improve storm-damaged bulkheads, as well as repair and install Tideflex valves, which allow water to flow from the streets to the bay, but not in the reverse direction. The two-year contract, with an option to extend, allows the city to spend up to $2.9 million on the mitigation projects. Commissioner of Public Works Jim LaCarrubba said that if the city receives more state or federal funding, it could be swiftly put toward these projects.

According to the resolution, the city currently has $570,000 earmarked to fund the bulkhead and Tideflex valve work; LaCarrubba said that the city is looking to start the project as soon as possible, which residents said they have been waiting to hear.

“This is a long time coming,” said resident and Community Reconstruction Program committee member Crystal Lake. “I know it has to be done piecemeal, in a sense, however, [do it] sooner rather than later. Too many homes, too many people, too many lives have been affected for too long.”

Councilman Anthony Eramo asked if the contract included maintenance for the Tideflex valves as well, so that they would not fall into disrepair. LaCarrubba said that this contract was for installation and repair only, but that the city would be putting out a request for proposal for a maintenance program in the next month.

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