Readers get their say

Long Beach letters


The PBA is keeping good faith

To the Editor:

Regarding Joseph Marron’s letter “Police officers should give back” (Feb. 25-March 3), the Long Beach Police Benevolent Association is certainly mindful of the state of the economy and the burdens facing the city’s taxpayers, as many of its police officer are taxpaying residents in the city.

Our members are not immune to the financial pressures of increased expenses, depleted savings and the loss of jobs and income. Mr. Marron’s belief that our members should not actively seek to improve their financial circumstances embraces that despair and resignation that is inconsistent with the spirit and effort needed to endure these tough times.

The PBA has been engaged in lengthy negotiations with the city in an effort to reach a contract agreement that is fair to the PBA members, the city administration and taxpayers. At the time of the expiration of the most recent collective bargaining agreement, on June 30, 2008, Long Beach PBA members were receiving wages that were below average compared to the 18 other county departments. The wage disparity has only increased while the members have been working without a new contract for nearly two years. By no means is the PBA demanding to be the highest-paid county force. Instead, the PBA seeks to not continually fall further behind the prevailing wages paid within the county.

Despite being without a contract, members will continue to provide the exceptional level of police service the Long Beach residents deserve. PBA members remain dedicated to protecting and serving this great community, and do so at great risk to their own personal safety each day. Mr. Marron should remember that our police officers are paid not only for what they do, but also for what they may have to do in the line of duty. The PBA has been and remains committed to negotiating in good faith with the city to reach an agreement.

Michael Bulik

Long Beach PBA president

When lives end too soon

To the Editor:

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