How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

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When she first started playing violin as a second grader, it didn’t come easy for her but she kept at it. Chiappisi attended extra help sessions on a regular basis and practiced on her own. She did consider giving up the instrument that first year, but decided to keep at it.

The Metropolitan Youth Orchestra practices every Tuesday for a little more than two hours at Herricks Middle School in Searingtown. It’s a big commitment for any student, but Chiappisi said it’s one she’s happy to make. However, as the material becomes more advanced she has less time for her other interests, like theatre and kickline. In the fall, when she starts at Lynbrook High School, she will be taking honors classes, which will require a large amount of homework and study time.

This year was her second with the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra. After playing in the string orchestra last year she made the move to the concert orchestra. She still practices every Tuesday as the concert orchestra, made up of students across Nassau County, prepares for an upcoming concert in May. Chiappisi is considering moving to a different orchestra in the future, depending on her busy schedule.

For now, the memory of playing in Carnegie Hall is one that she and her family will not soon forget. “You hear so much about Carnegie Hall and what it is and knowing that our 13-year-old daughter played there is mind blowing,” Nancy said.

“There are musicians who wait their entire lives to try to get to Carnegie Hall and never get there.”

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