School News

Central H.S. performs anti-bullying plays


Central High School’s Acting Concentration presented a series of vignettes centered on an anti-bullying theme for an audience of Memorial Junior High School students on Dec. 16.

“The performing arts students did a marvelous job with all the performances,” said Anthony Mignella, Memorial’s principal. “The vignettes tapped into the students’ emotions and reinforced the importance of being more mindful of how important it is to treat the people around you well and to make better decisions in life.”

Students from the high school’s Acting Concentration, a district-wide performing arts program, brought four short plays to the stage from the “Bully Plays” collection, an anthology of powerful and uplifting plays commissioned in response to the bullying epidemic.

The cast members opted to perform a tour of scenes that they felt best connected to Memorial’s anti-bullying campaign. The storylines portrayed the ramifications of bullying and dealt with the appropriate and inappropriate uses of mobile devices and other forms of technology.