Letters to the Editor, East Rockaway, Lynbrook

Feb. 24-Mar. 2, 2011


Words are just that

To the Editor:
  In an effort to be part of the public forum that the Herald seems willing to give to Bill Kienke and the Freedom Party, and as part of the Herald’s position on being fair and unbiased, I must agree with their editorial comment that the election in East Rockaway is not about past votes (“Respect the voters. Agree to debate.’), Feb. 17-23. After all, the past is past and cannot be recalled.
  It’s not about who said what about whom. Words, after all, are meant to either hurt or heal. Words, at the end of the day, are just that — words. This election is about the future and who is going to be the best mayor for our village. It’s obvious that no amount of posturing will disguise the real issue here: If you want bigger government with increased taxes, vote for Richard Meagher. If you want streamlined government with lower taxes, vote for Fran Lenahan.
  It’s as simple as that.
Ed Zangrillo
East Rockaway
Zangrillo is the president of the East Rockaway Pride Party.

Enough favors

To the Editor:
I have lived in the Village of East Rockaway my entire life. My husband, John, and I graduated from East Rockaway High School. I own a home here, we raised our family here. I feel compelled to write this letter due to the current political climate in the village.
Never have I seen so much nastiness, distortion of facts and outright slander as I have witnessed during this election. I find it appalling that the Pride Party has stooped to the level it has in order to influence voters. It says a great deal about the character of a person and a group of people that they would allow and be involved in a campaign such as is currently being waged.

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