
Letters to the Editor: East Rockaway, Lynbrook

April 26-May 2, 2012


Defending our district officials

To the Editor:
It seems to be fashionable these days to heap criticism on anyone who has any connection to our educational system. Letters to the editor, such as Steven S. Corbins’ “Tired of high taxes, low test scores,” in the March 29-April 2 issue, which included the phrase “educational malpractice,” contribute to the public flogging of educators that has become commonplace.

It’s not clear exactly how we as a society went from valuing educators and the work they do with our children, to vilifying teachers and administrators for epidemic failures in the American educational system. Antiquated practices, failed public policies and a struggling economy are real challenges we face today.

When did students become interchangeable with data? When did test scores become headlines? When did reform become a sound bite? Is there no credit or recognition given to the notion that real success comes when teachers teach and students learn all manner of things beyond the items haphazardly included on a state assessment?

We, as a school board, defend the dedicated staff who work with the students of the East Rockaway School District, starting with our superintendent of schools, Dr. Roseanne Melucci, whose work ethic is outstanding. Her knowledge of curriculum and methodology is exceptional. Her willingness to engage representatives from the entire community in meaningful conversation to benefit all aspects of education is beyond reproach. Together, with dedicated teachers, administrators and support staff, we are working to create a safe and secure learning environment of the same caliber.

We strongly disagree with the current tenor of public discourse as it relates to education. We believe that all of us — educators, parent and community members — share a common desire to improve student performance and control spending. We simply fail to see how these goals are achieved with mean-spirited commentary.

The trustees of the
East Rockaway UFSD
Board of Education



Nixing school late bus is inequitable

To the Editor:

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