Stepping Out

Menopause the Musical reunites its 'sisterhood'

Coming Attractions


The off-Broadway hit about the ups and downs of four women told through a collection of relyricized baby boomer songs is back. It returns to the Landmark theater in Port Washington, Tuesday through Friday, Aug. 21-24, for a laughter-filled 90 minutes that embraces ‘sisterhood.’

Inspired by a hot flash and a bottle of wine, writer and producer Jeanie Linders created the show as a celebration of women who are on the brink of, in the middle of, or have survived “The Change.” Set in a department store, four women with seemingly nothing in common but a black lace bra meet by chance at a lingerie sale. The cast makes fun of their woeful hot flashes, forgetfulness, mood swings, wrinkles, night sweats and chocolate binges. A sisterhood is created between these diverse women as they realize that menopause is no longer “The Silent Passage.”

Tickets are $65 and $50; available at (516) 717-3390 or at Jeanne Rimsky Theater at Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main St., Port Washington.