Cornering the Market

RealRyder indoor cycling studio opens in Merrick



2094 Merrick Ave.


(516) 442-1890

Indoor cycling, or taking a spin class, doesn’t necessarily mean riding a stationary bicycle. CoreRyder, a new spin studio, houses 26 RealRyder® bikes, which are built on articulating frames that tilt, turn and simulate true road cycling. Unique spin classes are offered that are fun and challenging for both men and women.

Owner and director Melissa Buonomo is no novice to the fitness world. As a master trainer, she has taught fitness since 1995. She holds undergraduate degrees in Business Management and Fitness Physiology, and Instructor and Personal Trainer certifications from Marymount Manhattan College. She is a certified STOTT Pilates instructor, a GYROTOIC instructor, a Post-Rehab Pink Ribbon exercise specialist, and Certified RealRyder® instructor.

Buonomo opened Sisters Pilates+ in Malverne in 2001, and due to its success, launched a second with the same name in Merrick in 2007. The impetus that prompted her to add a spin studio was the fact since Pilates are predominantly muscle training, she saw the need to include a cardio program as well. RealRyder® bikes, which are anything but stationary, do that and more.

Simulating the fluid sensation of actually cycling outdoors, as well as the total body challenge, RealRyder® bikes give a complete core workout, improving the tone of the abdominal muscles, increasing cardio capacity, creating strength, coordination and stability. These bikes are said to burn 25 percent more calories than traditional stationary bikes.

Add to this their “Virtual Ride,” and you’ll be enjoying a dynamic (simulated) bike tour to anywhere in the world. Unlike a typical spinning class, this is far from tedious and a lot more exciting. Riding a bike while watching a ten-foot screen, you’ll be pedaling up hills and around curves in different countries. The articulating frame enables the rider to lean in directions they would need to, as they would when riding on an actual road. CoreRyder gives you the cutting edge of spin classes.

Classes are held seven days a week. As CoreRyder only opened several weeks ago, they are still adding classes to the schedule. All trainers are Certified RealRyder® instructors. Classic Spin classes are 50 minutes, and Express classes, 30 minutes. Sessions are dynamic, targeting everyone, both male and female, from beginners to competitive cyclists.