
Remembering a brother, a son, a friend

Lynbrook VFW site for upcoming 2nd Annual Frank S. Panobianco Benefit to Promote Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention


Did you know that one in five Americans suffers from mental illness? Did you know that more than 30,000 people a year commit suicide in the United States?
On July 13 2009, Frank S. Panobianco, lost his battle with mental illness at the age of 24. He was diagnosed with clinical depression at the age of 14. He spent the next 10 years struggling to overcome his condition via various treatment programs, therapists, medications and in-patient hospitalizations after multiple suicide attempts.
Panobianco tirelessly researched new treatment options and medications, educating himself and his family about his illness. However, he was reluctant to fully discuss his strife with anyone. He felt he was different because of his illness, and believed that if anyone knew they would view him differently too. His disorder hindered him from playing sports, spending time with friends and family, and attending college. His needs and goals were put on hold because his illness consumed his life.
“Frank was thoughtful, generous, kindhearted and loved by all who knew him,” said Lauren Panobianco.
On June 11, the Panobianco and Henshaw families will be honoring his life by hosting The 2nd Annual Frank S. Panobianco Benefit to Promote Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention. The event will be held at the Lynbrook VFW, 235 Merrick Rd, Lynbrook, from 6 to 10 p.m.
All proceeds of this event will go to Family Service League, a not-for-profit human services agency. Funds raised will be support the costs of educating students and school faculty about mental illness and suicide and provide services to affected families. “Together we can support a cause that merits and demands our attention,” said Lauren.
If you would like to make a donation online to support this cause, please go to or contact Lauren Panobianco at Family Service League (631) 427-3700 ext. 278.