Letter to the Editor

Supports Becker


To the Editor:

Not only did we see your article in the Herald (“Gonzalez takes on Becker in Legislature,” Oct. 13-19), but also were watching the debate between Fran Becker and Anthony Gonzalez, and one of the statements Gonzalez delivered was that he had to be pushed into running — not a good sign.

When one runs for a political position, he should have a fire in his belly to help his future constituents. Also, many important decisions must be made. Will he be able to rise to the occasion? Maybe that is how Mr. Gonzalez would govern. Just a thought.

Fran Becker already knows the complex working of his position. He doesn’t have to learn the ins and outs. Just go and speak with him and he will listen and try to help.

Carolyn Lenahan

Valley Stream