What we need is another Robert Moses

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A recent study focusing on young people leaving Long Island pointed to the fact that we are years behind in taking steps to keep them here. There are no real planned communities that provide housing and entertainment and that could accommodate our restless young population. While there are many respected developers in our region, only one or two have even tried to create new and affordable housing.

And what about our transportation challenges? Isn’t it time for a widened Southern State Parkway, a new Sagtikos Parkway and a modernized Northern State? A trip to the East End of Long Island can turn into a nightmare on a warm summer evening, taking as long as four hours.

Once upon a time, the late Gov. Nelson Rockefeller proposed that a bridge be built from Rye to Oyster Bay. The idea was to make it easier to travel north and south without having to go through the Bronx. And there’s no doubt that it would have brought down the price of many necessities thanks to shorter shipping distances. Rockefeller was a pretty powerful man, but he had his head handed to him for even suggesting that a bridge be built.

The problem isn’t just public-works projects. They all hurt, no matter how meaningful they are. Where are the visionaries who have serious plans to revive the many struggling downtown areas of Long Island? Luckily we have people like Patchogue Mayor Paul Pontieri, who has brought life back to his community. But there are very few other mayors like him.

There is a crying need for a Robert Moses type who would be willing to fight for sound planning and have the guts to fight off the NIMBY crowd. Right now there isn’t anyone around here that fits that description, and I’m afraid there won’t be for many years to come.

Jerry Kremer was a state assemblyman for 23 years, and chaired the Assembly’s Ways and Means Committee for 12 years. He now heads Empire Government Strategies, a business development and legislative strategy firm. Comments about this column? JKremer@liherald.com.

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