Dems kick off ToH campaign


Town of Hempstead Democrats kicked of their fight against the Republicans on May 24 at the Cradle of Aviation Museum.

Gary Port, of West Hempstead, will be challenging Kate Murray for Supervisor. Wilton Robinson Jr., of Roosevelt, is looking to take the position of Receiver of Taxes from Donald X. Clavin. Steve Anchin, of Hewlett, is the Democrat’s candidate for Clerk, hoping to oust Mark Bonilla. And Claudia Borecky, of North Merrick, is running to be the representative of the Fifth District, currently represented by Angie Cullin, which represents Bellmore, Long Beach, Merrick and Island Park. Owen Rumelt, of West Hempstead, will be running against Republican James Darcy to represent the Third District.

“Supervisor Murray lacks a clear and coherent vision of what the Town of Hempstead should look like,” said Port in a release. “During this campaign I will bring my vision and ideas to the people, such as creating both a town-wide economic plan and local community plan while preserving the nature and character of our communities.”

The Democrats are calling the incumbents to task, saying that the Republicans have mismanaged the town’s government.

“The Town of Hempstead needs fiscal leadership now,” said Robinson. “One hundred ten years of Republican government, permeated with cronyism, nepotism, oversized government bureaucracy and downright arrogance has to go.”

Nassau County Democratic Chairman Jay Jacobs nominated the candidates, saying that the time of Republic mismanagement was over.

Anching wants to overhaul the Clerk’s office if he’s elected. He said he wants to use his experience as a businessman to update the office with new, cost-effective technology. He also said he wants to make it more “senior citizen friendly.”

The Democrats will have a tough fight against the incumbent Republicans, who also kicked off their campaign last week. Elections will be held on Nov. 8.