KJOY's Teacher of the Year goes to Malverne woman


Gina Cappellino, an Italian teacher at Malverne High School, was recently honored by KJOY 98.3 radio station with the distinction of being named Teacher of the Week.

Ms. Cappellino was nominated by a student of hers, junior Melissa Pierre, to receive the distinction. A KJOY representative interviewed Ms. Cappellino and part of the interview was aired on Dec. 31, following the formal announcement of her honor. As part of earning the title, Cappellino received gift certificates to a salon and a restaurant for being Teacher of the Week.

Cappellino has been a teacher for 20 years, 15 of which have been spent teaching in the Malverne school district.

“This is among the nicest things that have happened in my career,” she said of the honor. “And such a nice way to start the New Year!”