There's too much badly installed insulation

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The other issue with blown-in insulation is not that it doesn’t do a great job, because it does, but it can get stuck around internal wires in addition to the lack of a vapor barrier. I know I’ll be contacted by a product seller or installer, so let me assure you, I get to see lots of demolition jobs and look to see how products performed. We all need to learn from failure, if we know what to look for. Sadly, we professionals are held to a higher standard of knowing latest techniques and best building practices, yet our plans and details are often not followed because the level of knowledge is missing at the installation level. The boss who contracts to do your home may know his stuff, but the average installer isn’t getting the necessary training. I always, always recommend that a reflective vapor barrier, made of the same thing they wrap marathon runners in, be installed before the sheetrock goes up, but never see it. Could yours be a first? Warm wishes.

©2014 Monte Leeper. Readers are encouraged to send questions to, with “Herald question” in the subject line, or to Herald Homes, 2 Endo Blvd., Garden City, NY 11530, Attn: Monte Leeper, architect.

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