Letter to the Editor

Backed-up storm drains are a concern


To the Editor:

I read “LIPA chief tours storm-ravaged south Merrick” by Scott Brinton (Sept. 8-14) with interest. In the story, Brinton mentions backup of storm drains. I believe that more attention should be paid to this problem.

I have been living in Merrick since 1976, and we never had flooding until October 2005, when the South Shore was hit by a week’s worth of rain, and the weeks preceding Hurricane Irene, with record rainfall. It is the Town of Hempstead’s responsibility to keep the drains clear, and I strongly believe that for the last few years, probably since the early 2000s, there has been negligence in fulfilling this obligation.

It’s odd that the flooding didn’t exist prior to 2005 and has happened twice since then.

Evelyn Zeidman Post
