
Kiwanis hosts Spring Fling for seniors


Seniors and students cut a rug at the Kiwanis Club Spring Fling on May 23. "There's nothing better than seeing the interaction between the young people and the seniors," Kiwanis Senior Spring Fling Chairwoman Anne Burke said.

About 185 older adults from the Merricks came to dine and dance at the free event at Curé of Ars Church, and around 30 students dished out dinner and danced the day away.

"It's one of those days when you feel very good about giving back to the seniors in the community," Burke said.

"We in Kiwanis are so grateful for everything our senior citizens represent within our community," Kiwanis President Tammy McLoughlin said. "Hosting a free lunch and dance was our way of giving back to them. The seniors are the role models for our young people today."

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