
Reading is fundamental –– even for dogs


Skimmer the Portuguese water dog recently paid a visit to the Merrick Library to take part in the R.E.A.D. “Dog Book Buddies” program.

The program, which stands for “Reading Education Assistance Dogs,” allows children in grades two through four to sit down with a specially trained dog and read to it.

The program aims to help children improve their communication skills. “It builds their self-esteem, it helps with their communication skills, and it gives them a lot of confidence,” said Bonnie Markel of the library’s children’ department.

It is the fourth year that the library has taken part in the program. A child enters a room with the dog and reads a book of his or her choosing for 20 minutes, while the trained dog sits attentively and listens. “The dog is very comfortable, very gentle and very loving,” said Markel. “I’ve never heard him growl or bark.”

Skimmer was trained by Elizabeth Shannon, a R.E.A.D. representative who lives in North Merrick.

The library will continue with the program one Saturday per month until January, but spots are nearly full. Markel said, however, that a second dog could be brought in if more children are interested.

For more information, contact the library’s children’s department at (516) 377-6112, extension 3.